Rescuer Holds Face Of Feeble Dog Who Got Chained Up For Five Years

A YouTube subscriber who follows Love Furry Friends online reported about a dog in her neighborhood. The poor dog had been living outside on a chain for five years. She was emaciated and had lost all his hair due to the advanced creature. The owner didn’t feed her and didn’t show her any affection. A neighbor came over and gave the dog as much stale bread as she could afford. The cute dog ate it all through the fence without chewing. To say she was hungry would be a big understatement. The Good Samaritan took a video of the poor puppy and sent it with a message. The rescue team promised to help the dog and arrived the next day.

The rescuers were ruthless! They wanted to take the dog to save their own lives! They did everything they could to convince the dog’s owner to hand her over. It took hours, they thought long and hard about why the dog needed care and why they would report her to the authorities if they didn’t surrender her. Finally, the owner agreed. When they approached the cute dog, she seemed to understand why they were there.

The beautiful girl looked up to thank them.

They patted her head and told her that everything would be all right now. Five years later, they finally took her off the chain and put her in their vehicle. It was time for a full check-up at the vet! It was time to give her a new life and a new name. They decided to name her Lada.

The vet confirmed that she had a terrible skin infection caused by fleas. Lada had not been treated for fleas for five years and had suffered a lot. Fortunately, she was finally in good hands! As Lada lay on the examination table and a rescuer stroked her, she wagged her tail for the first time.

It was a truly magical moment!

Lada will stay at the veterinary clinic for a month. She will be cared for 24 hours a day until her weight stabilizes. During this time Lada will learn what it means to be loved. Her new friends visit her every day and are happy to see her hair growing back and her weight increasing. She is five years old and has never been in love before, but her future looks bright!

Lada will soon be well enough to find her forever home. We are so happy that this little girl is finally free from her cruel chain and heartless owner. Rescuers are doing their best to save as many lives as possible. We need to raise awareness by sharing their stories. We are so happy for Lada, aren’t we?

Watch the video below to see Lada’s rescue!

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